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Adult braces

Rhone Dental Clinic Orthodontiste Invisalign Orthodontie Invisible

Dear readers, welcome to our article on orthodontics for adults. You’ll find useful information on orthodontics, but please note that our article is no substitute for a consultation with one of our dentists in Geneva! We’ll take the time to answer all your questions! If your questions about adult orthodontics are not answered in this article, you can get further information in a consultation at the Rhône dental clinic in Geneva!

Braces for adults: everything you need to know

While braces and retainers are often associated with teenagers, there are orthodontic treatments that adults can benefit from too. While there are some concerns about wearing braces as an adult, there are also many benefits to this dental treatment.

FAQ on orthodontic treatment for adults

Just as teenagers and pre-teens wear braces to gain confidence in their smile, adults wear braces for the same reason. Here are some of the questions you may have about adult braces options and how they work, so you can decide if these treatments are right for you. The team of adult orthodontists at Rhône Dental Clinic is here to answer your concerns and put you on the path to a winning smile.

What are the advantages of braces in adulthood?

Traditional metal braces are often the treatment of choice, but there are other ways to straighten teeth. Depending on your budget and the extent of your misalignment or curvature, the orthodontist at the Rhône Dental Clinic can suggest dental aligners. You can also opt for lingual braces, which are placed behind the teeth, or ceramic braces. Ceramic braces fit over the teeth like metal braces, but the brackets are thinner.

And Invisalign?

When you wear braces as an adult, you get more than just straight teeth. The jaw and mouth change shape with age. With age, the jawbone loses density, which can cause teeth to shift. Your teeth may become crowded, and you may feel discomfort or pain when swallowing or chewing. If your teeth overlap, they can be difficult to clean, making adults more susceptible to developing cavities.
Adult braces will straighten your teeth and give you a naturally attractive smile. Braces can also improve your oral health. Some patients choose to wear braces at age 50 or over because of oral discomfort. Once you have braces, you’ll have more confidence in your smile.

Adults with braces are less self-conscious about the appearance of their teeth. It’s best to discuss all braces and teeth-straightening options with an orthodontist to develop a personalized treatment plan.

What are the side effects of adult braces?

If you plan to wear braces as an adult, you should be aware of certain side effects. Tooth and gum pain are common, especially as the mouth becomes accustomed to the appliance. Temporomandibular dysfunction is also a common side effect of braces. Wearing braces can lead to root resorption. Risk factors for root resorption include the length of time braces are worn, root shape, hygiene habits and even genetic predisposition. Your orthodontist will explain these side effects in detail so you know the risks, but the benefits usually outweigh the side effects.

When is it too late to get braces?

Most orthodontists agree that it’s never too late to get braces. While it’s ideal to wear braces when you’re young and your jaws and gums are in good condition, you can wear braces at any age.

Would you like a consultation for adult orthodontics? During the initial examination, we’ll be able to determine the best possible treatment for your dental alignment needs. In addition, we can define the treatment plan, the expected duration of treatment and the approximate cost.

Drop in for a visit, or call us on 022 310 50 77 to arrange a consultation with our dentists for your child!

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Rhone Dental Clinic Article Auteur Christophe Gachet
Dr Christophe Gachet, clinic manager and implant specialist at the Rhône Dental Clinic
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