Dental check-up and assessment
Why have a dental check-up ?
The analysis and maintenance of your oral health is crucial to your overall health.
Even small outbreaks of dental and/or periodontal infection can have a significant impact on the various systems of the body at a distance. This is known as focal dental infection.
Focal dental and/or periodontal infections, even if minimal, can have significant repercussions on the various systems of the body at a distance. This is known as focal dental infection.
Take stock of your oral health today.
The Rhone Dental Clinic adapts to the most demanding schedules and private requirements of each patient. We guarantee a strict punctuality and offer an emergency service in case of necessity.
1. The risks of compromised oral hygiene
/!\50% of endocarditis (inflammation of the internal structures and valves of the heart) is caused by dental infections.
/!\ One in three lung abscesses is of dental origin.
/!\ During pregnancy, gingivitis, for example, increases the risk of premature delivery.
/!\ During pregnancy, gingivitis, for example, increases the risk of premature delivery.
In addition to clinically evident dental foci, all devitalized teeth with a blocked canal, even if there are no pathological symptoms, should be considered as a possible cause of irritation or infection. Using the latest medical imaging technologies, panoramic or 3D, our doctors will establish a precise diagnosis in order to propose a treatment plan adapted to the patient.
Given the vital importance of the dental check-up for health, Dr. Gachet has initiated a specific protocol to establish a personalised study, based on the medical history, the living environment and the social environment of each patient.
During the medical history, it is quite common for patients to mention symptoms of migraines or back pain, the cause of which often turns out to be related to a functional dental imbalance.
A good diagnosis will direct them to a postural study that will allow them to resolve these chronic pains.
2. The Bio Dentistry Label: controlled materials and privileged comfort
The Bio Dentistry label certifies the control of techniques and precise traceability of all materials and products used in the mouth.
It also guarantees respect for a quality framework and environment, with staff trained to give priority to patient comfort at all stages of treatment.
![Rhone Dental Clinic Checkup Dentaire Logo Bio Dentistry Rhone Dental Clinic Checkup Dentaire Logo Bio Dentistry](
3. The dental check-up protocol of the Rhône Dental Clinic dentists
1. Accurate patient history
2. Clinical examination by our dentists
Your teeth and the entire oral area are examined.
3. Dental imaging
OPT, panoramic X-ray, flattening of the dental arch from right to left. Dental imaging will allow us to check bone levels, early infections, the quality of implant integrations or the visualisation of possible cysts related to a defective root treatment.
4. 3D scan or X-ray
Only necessary if our doctors detect infections, defective root treatments, root fractures, tumours, impacted teeth or germs of wisdom teeth that are difficult to extract. A CT scan will be essential for considering the placement of implants.
5. Scaling
Our hygienists will take care of you for a complete scaling of about 40 minutes. In addition to the intense sensation of freshness, this treatment helps to prevent problems of periodontal disease (diseases affecting the tissues supporting the teeth).
In the event of a defined risk area, they will take precise X-rays of the suspected teeth. Finally, our hygienists will evaluate your brushing method with the help of a colour developer and advise you if you need to change your brushing method.
6. Complete diagnosis
Assessment of the risk of contamination from previous treatments with heavy metals, screening for functional problems and aesthetic analysis.
Following the dental check-up, we will provide you with a personalised treatment plan detailing our multidisciplinary treatment recommendations.