Mercury amalgam removal
Don't let your filling contaminate you
Discover the SMART (Safe Mercury Removal Technique) established by the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology as well as the special Rhone Dental Clinic protocol for the removal of heavy metal amalgam containing mercury.
Our dental practice adapts to the most demanding schedules and private requirements of each patient. We guarantee a strict punctuality and offer an emergency service in case of necessity.

1. Mercury Leads: The Composition
Dental amalgam (commonly known as a “filling”) is a material that has been used worldwide since the beginning of the 21st century to treat cavities. It consists of approximately 50% metal alloy powder (silver, tin, copper) and 50% mercury.
This metal powder and the mercury are mixed at room temperature to form a paste. The material formed is used to fill the cavity caused by tooth decay, once it has been cleaned, shaped and disinfected.
This metal powder and mercury are mixed at room temperature to form a paste. The resulting material is used to fill the cavity caused by tooth decay, once it has been cleaned, shaped and disinfected.
All silver-coloured fillings are dental amalgam fillings, and each of these fillings contains about 50% mercury.
Mercury is continuously emitted from dental amalgam fillings and is absorbed and retained in the body, particularly in the brain, kidneys, liver, lungs and gastrointestinal tract.
Mercury production can be enhanced by the number of fillings and other activities, such as chewing, teeth grinding and drinking hot liquids.
Although a number of other countries have banned or restricted their use, mercury dental amalgam is still used in many parts of the world, including the United States.
Today, the use of dental amalgam is prohibited in the European Union for minors under 15 years of age, pregnant and breastfeeding women.

2. What are the effects of mercury on your health ?
Mercury exposure is toxic to the central and peripheral nervous systems.
Neurological and behavioural disorders have been observed in patients after exposure to various mercury compounds by inhalation, ingestion or direct skin contact.
The symptoms are varied and include tremors, insomnia, emotional instability, memory loss, neuromuscular effects, headaches and motor dysfunction.
If the use of this medical device disappears in Switzerland and Europe, its link with diseases such as cancer (of the brain, prostate and lungs), Parkinson’s and kidney diseases is not proven due to a lack of scientific studies AND due to its heavy use in several areas today.
Even if the toxicity of mercury is established, its carcinogenicity would have to be scientifically proven in order to ban this substance completely.
3. Our removal protocol
The recommendations build on traditional techniques for safe amalgam removal by complementing these conventional strategies with a number of additional protective measures, the need for which has only recently been identified by scientific research.
Step 1
An amalgam separator is installed, operated and maintained to collect mercury amalgam waste so that it is not released into the effluent of our dental practice.
Step 2
Each room where mercury fillings are removed must have an adequate filtration system, which requires a high-volume air filtration system capable of removing mercury vapours and amalgam particles generated during the removal of one or more mercury fillings.
Step 3
You will be given a charcoal slurry to rinse and swallow before the procedure (unless contraindicated by the dentist).
Step 4
Protective gowns and blankets for the dentist, dental staff and patient should be provided. All persons in the room must be protected as significant amounts of particles may be generated during the procedure.
Step 5
Latex-free nitrile gloves, a face shield and a head covering are used by the dentist and his assistant.
Step 6
The dentist and his assistant wear either a properly sealed breathing mask, capable of capturing mercury particles.
Step 7
To protect the patient’s skin and clothing, we use an impermeable barrier on the entire body, as well as a full barrier for the head, face and neck.
Step 8
External oxygen delivered through a patient nasal mask is also used to ensure that the patient does not inhale mercury vapour or amalgam particles during the removal procedure.
Step 9
A dental dam made of latex-free nitrile material is placed and properly sealed in the patient’s mouth. A saliva ejector is placed under the dental dam to reduce mercury exposure.
Step 10
During amalgam removal, the dentist uses an oral aerosol vacuum at the source in the immediate vicinity of the surgical site to mitigate mercury exposure.
Step 11
Large quantities of water to reduce heat, and a conventional high-speed exhaust system to capture mercury emissions, are used to reduce ambient mercury levels.
Step 12
Once the removal process is complete, the patient’s mouth is thoroughly rinsed with water and then rinsed with a charcoal slurry.
SMART certification
Our dental clinic is the first in Switzerland to be certified SMART (Safe Mercury Amalgam Technique) by the International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology.
Thanks to this certification, we can formalise our dental amalgam removal protocol and base our methods on an international institute.
Even if Dr. Christophe Gachet is the only one to have this certification within our dental clinic, the protocol is imposed on all our practitioners who will deal with the removal of dental amalgams.

Have you been contaminated with mercury ?
We will be happy to safeguard your health by offering you safe, bio-compatible solutions.