What is pedodontics ?
What is pedodontics ?
Pedodontics is a specialty of dentistry dedicated to the care and prevention of children. The practitioner is called a “pedodontist” or “paediatric dentist”.
The paediatric dentist is concerned with prevention, treatment of caries, as well as early detection of possible orthodontic treatments that will avoid future functional problems related to swallowing or breathing.
From the very first contact, he/she strives to establish a relationship of trust with the child and to provide a positive, non-traumatic experience, so that it can continue serenely throughout his/her life.
Take care of your child’s oral health with a specialist
Rhône Dental Clinic adapts to the most demanding schedules and private requirements of each patient. We guarantee a strict punctuality and offer an emergency service in case of necessity.
At which age ?
As soon as the first teeth start to erupt (around 6 months), it is important to establish good oral hygiene, a healthy diet and to prevent the development of disease. The main objective is to avoid cavities in the baby teeth.
Our paediatric dentists work closely with your child’s paediatrician.
Dr. Gachet has developed a specific dental protocol for children, in several stages. Based on the principle that the first appointment with the dentist can be a source of anxiety and will determine a negative or positive memory sensation, no treatment will be given during this contact phase.
How often should children have dental hygiene visits ?
A check-up every six months is recommended for children. This is because dental caries progresses rapidly in children without symptoms or pain.
In many cases, the frequency of check-ups will be adjusted according to the child’s thoroughness in brushing and thus the risk of caries. Children with caries and poor oral hygiene naturally require more follow-up. The risk potential is assessed at each visit.
In talking to my adult patients, I find that the most severe cases are most often due to a negative approach from their dentist during childhood.
What benefits does paediatric dentistry bring ?
Establishing an initial relationship of trust between the child and the dentist
Dr. Gachet has designed a specific dental protocol for children, in several stages. Based on the principle that the first appointment with the dentist can be a source of anxiety and will determine a negative or positive memory sensation, no treatment will be given during this contact phase.
Facilitating dental care for anxious children
For particularly anxious children, our paediatric dentists can offer a conscious sedation method using Meopa (known as ‘laughing gas’). This sedative offers immediate calming power and erases stressful states with no adverse effects, making treatment protocols more effective and comfortable.
This type of sedation is only offered in clinics or hospitals by trained doctors.
See our page dedicated to “Fear of the Dentist / Dentophobia“. During each treatment, the starting shade is assessed and photographed so that the patient can judge the difference with a colour chart.
Limiting X-rays and radiation in children
The Rhone Dental Clinic protocol limits unnecessary x-rays and exposure to radiation, especially in children. Our hygienists and dentists favour the use of transillumination technology (LED light that allows for a clear view of the teeth) which is safe for health.
Avoiding cavities with varnish
It is important to prevent cavities in permanent teeth. To this end, our dentists apply a protective and biocompatible varnish to the molar grooves, which are often difficult to clean properly. This particularly exposed chewing surface should be treated from the age of 6 on the first permanent molars and around 12 on the second permanent molars. Completely painless, the filling allows to protect the teeth durably and effectively from caries.